
July 29, 2011

Five Minute Friday : Still...

Today is a double-link-up kind of day, I think.
First, I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo again for Five Minute Friday.  Here are the guidelines:

1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word on the prompt, “Still.”
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Get a little crazy with encouragement in the comments of the five minuter who linked up before you.

Here     we     go.


sitting when I should have been
up already, fixing breakfast

weak and aching after a week
of finding muscles I didn’t know
I’d lost, finding strength in You

believing in happy endings
even in the face of this world
ever more rapidly spinning
into chaos and shadow

unsure where all this is going,
but knowing how it clicks,
all these stolen moments
at the keyboard, all my feeble
efforts to direct the fount of words
You’ve loosed in me

certain of the ending,
no matter how badly I screw up
today (like yesterday),
no matter how the hours unwind
before me—

always, forever, unchanging
You, Lord

and thankfulness for letting me
walk with You

© Victoria L. Banks

I'm sure this is not a surprise to any of my family who read this, but I've discovered that I love to write.  Even within strictly enforced time limits.  (Actually, the rules make it more fun!)

What about you?  Would you like to join the fun?  Share your own thoughts and link up!

I'm linking up to Five Minute Friday because I love to write,
linking up to Finding Joy because loving the Lord through my writing is one of my Favorite Things!

friday favorite things | finding joy


  1. I love to write, too! I love the form you used, and of course, the words you spoke:)!

  2. I love that poem...and I love to write!!

  3. You are a very talented writer. I had to read your poem twice -- I love the line that says, "weak and aching after a week
    of finding muscles I didn’t know
    I’d lost, finding strength in You" -- it's exactly what I needed to read right now as I sit here with my very sore shoulder.

    Thank you for linking up and finding joy in our Lord today. You brought joy to my heart!


  4. Love this! Love your word phrasing and style too! Happy Friday!

  5. Beth and Mary--

    Thanks for your sweet comments! I couldn't get my comments to work right on your own posts, but I appreciated you sharing your thoughts on FMF. Go figure...having a blog doesn't keep me from being technologically-challenged!

  6. I love writing and connect with Heaven's heartbeat through words too. Great thoughts on still, very creative format.


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